Do you remember a particular meal that brings back the feeling of family, community, and love? For me, it’s the smell of onions and celery that my mother would sauté early Thanksgiving morning. After she stuffed the bird the aroma of roasting turkey floated around the house all day.
For Johnny, the little boy in Irish Luck, Chinese Medicine, his favorite Thanksgiving dish is colcannon. It might be because he could play with his food, making melted butter puddles in his mashed potatoes.
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2 pounds red potatoes, cut into large chunks
3/4 cup milk
3/4 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons Kerrygold salted butter, plus additional melted butter if desired
1 cup chopped onion
6 cups finely shredded green cabbage (or one 10-ounce package)
1 cup (about 4 ounces) shredded Kerrygold Dubliner® Cheese or Blarney Castle Cheese
Freshly ground pepper to taste
Cook potatoes in boiling water about 20 minutes or until very tender; drain well and mash with skins on, adding milk and salt.While potatoes are cooking, melt butter in a large skillet. Add onion; cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until very soft. Add cabbage; cook and stir for 5 minutes more or until very soft. Stir cabbage mixture and Kerrygold cheese into hot potatoes and season with pepper.
Mound onto serving plates and make a well in the center of each. Pour a little melted butter into each well, if desired.
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